Vi har nu hørt fra entreprenøren Pihl, der har bedt om et møde med bestyrelsen i uge 40.
Samtidig er bestyrelsen blevet lovet den længe ventede tilbagemelding på mangler inden mødet. Så snart det er muligt vil de ejere, der har anmeldt mangler, få besked om entreprenørens indstilling hertil.
Når bestyrelsen har haft møde med Pihl vender vi tilbage med nyt.
The board has been in contact with the builder Pihl. Pihl has asked for a meeting with the board in week 40.
The board has been promissed the answer to the reported defects in the apartments and the building before the meeting. As soon as it is possible the owners will be notified of the builders view on the reported issues.
The board will get back to you when the meeting with Pihl has concluded.
/The board