DK: Der har i den sidste måneds tid været problemer med skraldeskuret og nu er vi nødsaget til at foretage yderligere handling for at håndtere situationen. Venligst læs dokumentet der linkes til efter denne tekst, på det sprog du foretrækker.
Klik her for at læse note omkring skrald og container
EN: During the last month there has been problems with the trash in the trash shed and now we are forced to take extra action in order to handle the situation. Please read the following note in the language you prefer.
Click here to read note about trash and container
Klik her for at læse note omkring skrald og container
EN: During the last month there has been problems with the trash in the trash shed and now we are forced to take extra action in order to handle the situation. Please read the following note in the language you prefer.
Click here to read note about trash and container