Installationen af det nye vandbehandlingsanlæg vil foregå den 15. maj 2020 i tidsrummet mellem 8 og 13. Alt vand vil være lukket i det tidsrum.
Mere information og materiale kan findes på følgende link:
Dropson information og detaljer
The installation of the new water treatment system will happen on the 15th of May 2020 between 8 and 13. All water will be turned of in this interval.
More information and material can be found on the following link:
Dropson information and details
Installationen af det nye vandbehandlingsanlæg vil foregå den 15. maj 2020 i tidsrummet mellem 8 og 13. Alt vand vil være lukket i det tidsrum.
Mere information og materiale kan findes på følgende link:
Dropson information og detaljer
The installation of the new water treatment system will happen on the 15th of May 2020 between 8 and 13. All water will be turned of in this interval.
More information and material can be found on the following link:
Dropson information and details